AAO Exam-CT 6: English (Sentence Jumbles)

AAO Exam-CT 6- English (Sentence Jumbles)

AAO Exam-CT 6: English (Sentence Jumbles)

1. The question below contains five scattered segments of a sentence. Indicate the sequence which correctly assembles the segments and completes the sentence.

A. plant and animal species are

B. migrating up the slope,

C. causing a further disturbance in the ecosystem

D. become warmer,

E. as the upper regions on the mountains


The correct answer is option 1 i.e. EDABC.


  • First is D as it establishes the subject i.e. upper regions on the mountains. D is the only opening segment that can lead to the formation of a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
  • Next is E as it states what's happening to the upper mountain regions.
  • A is next as it mentions the consequence of this.
  • Next is B as it tells where the animal species are migrating to.
  • Last is C as it mentions the effect of migration.

Correct sentence- As the upper regions on the mountains become warmer, plant and animal species are migrating up the slope, causing further disturbance in the ecosystem.

2. The question below contains five scattered segments of a sentence. Indicate the sequence which correctly assembles the segments and completes the sentence.

A. over 10 million sq km of waters in the Pacific

B. given to a heat-wave phenomenon

C. that happened between 

D. the Blob is the name

E. 2013 and 2017


The correct answer is option 2 i.e. DBCEA.


  • First is D as it establishes the subject i.e. the Blob. D is the only opening segment that can lead to the formation of a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
  • Next is B as it describes the 'Blob'.
  • C follows B as it gives the duration of 'the Blob'.
  • Next is E as it contextually follows C.
  • Last is A as it tells where the Blob occurred.

Correct sentence- The Blob is the name given to a heat-wave phenomenon that happened between 2013 and 2017 over 10 million sq km of waters in the Pacific.

3. The question below contains five scattered segments of a sentence. Indicate the sequence which correctly assembles the segments and completes the sentence.

A. coastline, and therefore more vulnerable

B. a country with 7,500 km of 

C. the impact of changes in

D. oceans and cryosphere is

E. significant for India,


The correct answer is option 1 i.e. CDEBA.


  • First is C as it establishes the subject i.e. impact of changes. C is the only opening segment that can lead to the formation of a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
  • Next is D as it tells mentions which things are facing changes.
  • E follows D as it describes the impact.
  • Next is B as it describes India.
  • Last is A as it mentions the outcome of having a coastline of 7500 km i.e. India is more vulnerable because of this reason.

Correct sentence- The impact of changes in oceans and cryosphere is significant for India, a country with 7,500 km of coastline, and therefore more vulnerable.

4. Directions: In the following question, a sentence is divided into four parts, out of which one has been omitted and replaced by a blank. These parts are jumbled randomly. From the given options, mark the one which contains the phrase which can replace the blank and the correct order of the parts that form a meaningfully coherent sentence as your answer.

from Nigeria where the disease is endemic (A)/ _______ (B)/ on 6 May 2022 in a patient with a recent travel history (C)/ the initial cluster of cases was found in the United Kingdom (D)/

  • Predominantly in Europe but also in North and South America - ACBD
  • Widely outside Central and West Africa - BADC
  • Usually last for 2–4 weeks before drying up, crusting and falling off - CDBA
  • Where the first case was detected in London - DBCA
  • The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern - ADBC

5. Directions: In the following question, a sentence is divided into four parts, out of which one has been omitted and replaced by a blank. These parts are jumbled randomly. From the given options, mark the one which contains the phrase which can replace the blank and the correct order of the parts that form a meaningfully coherent sentence as your answer.

and chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) political party (A)/ on 3 November 2022, Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Pakistan (B)/ was shot in the right shin and thigh in an assassination (C)/ _______ (D)/

  • A gunman opened fire, injuring Khan and a number of other PTI leaders - ABDC
  • Attempt during a long march against the government - BACD
  • Fired by unidentified gunmen at Khan's container-mounted-truck - DCBA
  • Shot-dead attempting to tackle the shooter - CBDA
  • Video has been dismissed by Khan's allies as a "cover-up" - CABD
6. Below in each question some sentences are given, find the sentence which is not really contributing to the main theme and that of the passage or find the odd sentence out and rearrange the remaining sentences to make a coherent paragraph. If none of the options is correct as it is then choose option (E). If the sequence is the one which is not given, then choose option (D) as your choice.

(A)The demand for gold is falling/ (B) and the metal's fading appeal / (C) partly as a result of government measures, higher local prices/ (D) among more youthful customers/(E) thus available in India.
  • AEBD
  • ACBD
  • ABDE
  • None of the above
  • No improvements required.
7. Below in each question some sentences are given, find the sentence which is not really contributing to the main theme and that of the passage or find the odd sentence out and rearrange the remaining sentences to make a coherent paragraph. If none of the options is correct as it is then choose option (E). If the sequence is the one which is not given, then choose option (D) as your choice.

(A)The U.S. government is concerned about India's revised/ (B) plans of Amazon.com and Walmart Inc / (C)e-commerce regulations and has told that the/ (D) the budget highlights/ (E) policy will hinder the Indian investment.
  • ABDE
  • ACBD
  • ACEB
  • None of the above.
  • No improvements required.

8. The question below consists of a set of labeled parts of a sentence. Out of the five options given, select the most logical order  to form a coherent sentence.

The internet has been

P: almost like the printing press,

Q: likened to a revolutionary introduction

R: hands of the masses

S: giving power into the

  • RQSP
  • QSPR
  • RQPS
  • QPSR
  • PQSR

The most logical and coherent way to form a paragraph from the given options is option 4 i.e. QPSR.


It would make a sentence like this:

The internet has been likened to a revolutionary introduction almost like the printing press, giving power into the hands of the masses.

9. The question below consists of a set of labeled parts of a sentence. Out of the five options given, select the most logical order  to form a coherent sentence.

Evaluation of a society

P: always tends to marginalize

Q: certain groups leading

R: and the distribution of wrong information

S: to the obfuscation of the entire situation

  • RQSP
  • PQRS
  • RQPS
  • PQSR
  • None of the above

The most logical and coherent way to form a paragraph from the given options is option 4 i.e. PQSR.

It would make a sentence like this:

Evaluation of a society always tends to marginalize certain groups leading to the obfuscation of the entire situation and the distribution of wrong information. 

10. Direction: In the following questions, jumbled parts of sentences are given. Rearrange them to make a meaningful sentence:

A. angry with the right person and to the right degree

B. and in the right way – that is not within everybody's power and is not easy 

C. and at the right time and for the right purpose

D. anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be

  • DBAC
  • DACB
  • DCBA
  • ADBC
  • None of the above