LIC Agent Exam - IRDA Agent Exam Question Paper

Insurance Institute of India conducts every year an all India based competitive exam for recruitment of Insurance agents and is known by the name of IRDA exam or Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority exam. The basic requirement to sit for the exam is that he or she must have cleared his class 12th from a recognized university or board. IRDA exam can be given in two modes, online and offline. Candidates preferring to go for manual mode would have to submit duly filled-in exam entry form to the concerned authority. The form is also supposed to be countersigned by the sponsoring insurer. Now, if the applicant wishes for both the general as well as life branches, he or she would have to fill two separate forms. As regards the pattern of question is concerned, theme always remains the same, as in all the questions would be related to the Insurance, loans, regulations and their general application. Moreover, you can also expect some numerical problems as well. However, they won’t be rocket science, so you do not have to worry. They would be like normal percentage, discount and loan calculation. Sample Exam Paper 1) IRDA Agent Exam Question Paper - 1 2) IRDA Agent Exam Question Paper - 2 3) IRDA Agent Exam Question Paper - 3

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