AAO Exam-CT 12: Quant (Interest)

AAO Exam-CT 12-Quant (Interest)

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AAO Exam-CT 12: Quant (Interest)
1. Simple interest on certain sum at the rate of 10% per annum after 2 years is Rs. 800. Find the compound interest on the sum at the rate of 10% per annum for 2 years.
  • Rs. 850
  • Rs. 900
  • Rs. 880
  • Rs. 840
  • None of these


Simple interest = Rs. 800, at the rate of 10% and time = 2 years

Formula used:

If P = Principal, R = Rate of Interest, and T = Time Period; then:

Simple interest = (P × R × T)/100, and

Compound interest =  P(1 + R/100)t - P


800 = (P × 10 × 2)/100

 ⇒ P = 4,000

Now, C.I = 4,000[(1 + 10/100) - 1] = 4,000 × (21/100) = Rs. 840

∴ Compound interest is Rs. 840


Alternate Method

SI for 2 years = 400

[We know that the SI will be uniform for the given period]

SI for first year = 400 and SI for 2nd year = 400

We also know that, SI and CI for first year is same

∴ CI for First year = 400

CI for Second year = 400 + 400 × 10% = 440

Hence, Total CI = Rs. (400 + 440) = Rs. 840

2. Compound interest on a certain sum at the rate of 12% per annum after 2 years is Rs. 142464. Find the simple interest on the sum at the rate of 15% per annum for 7 years.
  • Rs. 5,00,000
  • Rs. 5,50,000
  • Rs. 5,88,000
  • Rs. 5,80,000
  • None of these


Compound interest = Rs. 142464, at the rate of 12% and time = 2 years

Formula used:

If P = Principal, R= Rate of Interest, and T = Time Period, then:

Simple interest = (P × R × T)/100, and

Compound interest =  P(1 + R/100)t - P


C.I = P[(1 + 12/100)2 - 1]

⇒ 142464 = P[(28/25)2 - 1]

⇒ 142464 = P(159/625)

⇒ P = 142464 × (625/159)

⇒ P = Rs. 560000

So, S.I = (560000 × 15 × 7)/100 = Rs. 588000

∴ The simple interest on the sum at rate of 155 per annum for 7 years is Rs. 588000

3. Prathamesh borrowed certain amount from Gururaj. The difference between simple and compound interests compounded annually on that sum of money for 2 years at 4% per annum is Rs. 1. The sum is:

  • Rs 625
  • Rs 500
  • Rs 600
  • Rs 450
  • None of these


Compound Interest – simple interest = 1


Compound interest = P × (1 + R/100)n − P

Simple Interest = principal × rate × time/100


Let the sum be Rs. x then,

Compound Interest = x(1 + 4/100)2 – x

⇒ (676/625)x – x

⇒  (51/625) x

Simple Interest = x × 4 × 2/100

⇒ 2x/25

⇒ 51x/625 − 2x/25 = 1

⇒ x = 625

∴ The sum is Rs 625

4. What annual installment will discharge a debt of 22800 due in 10 years at 20% simple interest?
  • 1500
  • 1400
  • 1200
  • 800
  • None of the these


A debt of 22800 due in 10 years at 20% simple interest

Formula used

If borrowed amount be B and it is paid in equal installments

B = na + (ra/100 × Y) × n(n-1)/2

Where Y= number of installments per annum


We know that,

B = na + (ra/100 × Y) × n(n-1)/2

Where Y= number of installments per annum

a = annual installment

Here M = 22800, y=1, r =20, n=10,

Put the value,

   22800 = 10 a + 20a/100 × 10(10 -1)/2

22800 = 10a + 9a

22800 = a[19]

a = 1200

∴ Annual installment is Rs. 1200

Alternate Method


Rate = 20%

Time = 10 years

Amount = 22800

Concept used:

Annual installment = (100 × A)/[100 × T + {R × T( T – 1)}/2]


A → Amount

T → Time

R → Rate


Annual installment = (100 × A)/[100 × T + {R × T(T – 1)/2}]

⇒ (100 × 22800)/[100 × 10 + {20 × 10(10 – 1)/2}]

⇒ (100 × 22800)/{1000 + (20 × 10 × 9/2)}

⇒ 2280000/(1000 + 900)

⇒ 2280000/1900

⇒ Rs. 1200

∴ Annual installment is Rs. 1200

5. Keya borrows Rs 25000 from shree at 10% compound rate of interest. At the end of each year she pays Rs 8000 back to shree. At the end of year 3 how much amount would be left for her to pay?

  • Rs 6795
  • Rs 5845
  • Rs 7965
  • Rs 4795
  • Rs 7435

Formula used:

C.I= P ((1 + (r / 100)) N -1))

Where, P = Principal amount,

R = Rate of interest

N = Number of years


Amount to be paid at end of year 1 = 25000 × (1 + 0.10)

⇒ Amount = 27500

⇒ P for Year 2 = 27500 – 8000

⇒ P = 19500

⇒ A for year 2 = 19500 × 1.10

⇒ A = 21450

⇒ P for year 3 = 21450 – 8000

⇒ P = 13450

⇒ A for year 3 = 13450 × 1.10

⇒ A = 14795

⇒ P for year 4 = 14795 – 8000

⇒ P for year 4 = 6795

 at end of year 3 keya will have to pay Rs 6795 to shree

6. Find the amount when Rs. 5000 is put on compound interest for 3 years at 10%, 15%, and 20% for first, second, and third year respectively.

  • 8000
  • 7590
  • 4320
  • 6520
  • 7500

Formula Used:

Amount = P (1 + R1/100) (1 + R2/100) (1+R3/100)


⇒ Amount = 5000 (1+10/100) (1+15/100) (1+20/100)

⇒ 5000 × 11/10 × 23/20 × 6/5

⇒ Rs. 7590

∴ Amount is Rs. 7590

7. Ravi invests Rs. 50,000 at 3% per annum for 2 years at simple interest. After he had completed 2 years, he also invests all the amount at 15% per annum for 2 years on compound interest. What is the total interest made by Ravi?
  • 20,092.5
  • 25,007.5
  • 17,092.5
  • 20,095
  • 17,095


SI = (50000 × 3 × 2)/100

⇒ 3000

Amount = 50,000 + 3000

⇒ 53,000

Principal for CI = 53,000

CI = 53,000 × (1 + 15/100)2 – 53,000

⇒ 53,000 × (115/100)2 – 53000

⇒ 53,000 × (115/100) × (115/100) – 53000

⇒ 17,092.5

∴ Total interest = 3000 + 17092.5

⇒ Rs. 20,092.5

The total interest made by Ravi is Rs. 20,092.5.

8. Two different mutual funds give compound interest of 20% and 10% per annum respectively and ratio of amount received by Anik by investing same amount in these two different mutual funds is 1728 : 1331. Find out the time for which he invested the money. 
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 2 years
  • 5 years
  • 1 year


Rate of interest for two funds are 20% and 10% respectively and after some years ratio of amount received is 1728 : 1331




Where, A = amount (principle + interest), P = principle, r = rate of interest, n = number of years



Let us assume the principle invested by Anik in each of the funds is P and the time of investment is n.



Amount after n years in first fund = P(1+20100)n(1+20100)

Amount after n years in second fund = P(1+10100)n(1+10100)





⇒ n = 3 Time of investment = 3 years

9. Three equal installments, each of Rs. 300, were paid at the end of the year on a sum borrowed at 20% compounded annually. Find the sum.

  • Rs. 530.945
  • Rs. 631.945
  • Rs. 603.945
  • Rs. 731.945
  • Rs. 562.455


The Rate of interest is 20 %

The Installment is Rs. 300

Number of installment is 3

Formula used:

P( 1+ R/100)n = X( 1+ R/100)n-1  +  X( 1+ R/100)n-2  + X( 1+ R/100)n -3 +  X( 1+ R/100)n-4 + ----


P = principal

R = Rate       

n = number of installments

X = amount of installment


P(1 + 20/100)3 = 300(1+20/100)2 + 300(1 + 20/100)1+ 300

⇒ P(1.2)3 = 300 × 1.44 + 300 × 1.2 + 300

⇒ P(1.2)3 = 432 + 360 + 300

⇒ P = 631.945

∴ The sum is Rs. 631.95.

10. At a certain period of time the ratio of principal and amount is 9 : 17 at a certain rate of simple interest, after 8 years this ratio will become 3 : 7. Find the rate of interest.
  • 449%449%
  • 559%559%
  • 21617%21617%
  • 3%
  • 249%249%


Ratio of principal and amount = 9 : 17

Ratio of principal and amount after 8 years = 3 : 7

Formula used:


Where P = Principal, t = time, r = rate of interest, I = interest


Let principal and amount be 9x and 17x

After 8 years it will become 3y and 7y

⇒ As we know principal will be same for the cases

9x = 3y

⇒ x/y = 3/9 = 1/3

So, amount will be 17x = 17

⇒ 7y = 21

⇒ Interest = (21 – 17) = 4

⇒ 4=9×8×r1004=9×8×r100

⇒ r = 50/9%

∴ Rate of Interest is 559%559%


Interest always calculated on principal in case of simple interest.

⇒ 4=17×8×r100=5017=216174=17×8×r100=5017=21617 [Wrong]

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